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1281/ When two Guatemalen villages were given ad-lib protein supplements for several years, the IQ of children, measured ten years later, had risen markedly.

1282/ A New Zealand based political scientist, James Flynn, noticed in the 1980s that IQ is increasing in all countries all the time, at an average rate of about three IQ points per decade.

1283/ Originally made for the New York World's Fair of 1964-65, the worlds largest cheese weighed 17.25 tons and used more than 170,000 quarts of milk. On display in Neillsville, Wisconsin is a replica of the original, which was devoured in Eau Claire, Wisconsin in 1966.

1284/ A team of Canadian paleontologists working along Hudson Bay in northern Manitoba has discovered the world's largest recorded complete fossil of a trilobite, a many-legged, sea-dwelling animal that lived 445 million years ago. The giant creature is more than 70 cm long (about 28 inches), 70 percent larger than the previous record holder.

1285/ In a massive, long-term study of 17,000 civil servants in the UK, the surprising conclusion emerged that the status of a person's job was better able to predict their likelyhood of a heart attack than obesity, smoking or high blood pressure. Somebody in a low-grade job in Whitehall, such as a janitor, was nearly four times as likely to have a heart attack as a permanent secretary at the top of the heap. Indeed, even if the permanent secretary was fat, hypertensive or a smoker, he was still less likely to suffer a heart attack at a given age than a thin, non-smoking, low-blood-pressure janitor. Exactly the same result emerged from a similar study of a million employees of the Bell Telephone Company in the 1960s.

1286/ In a study investigating pain tolerance, it was found that the same pain was perceived as being almost twice as bad during certain times of the day, most notably in the morning. Just after lunchtime, the pain seemed to be far more bearable.

1287/ If people are woken up when their EEG shows that they are in REM sleep, and thus probably dreaming, they try and compensate the following night: the amount of REM sleep that they undergo increases. In one experiment, people were woken up to ten times on the first night, but by the sixth night they were woken up as many as thirty-three times as their brains tried time and again, in vain, to plunge into the dream world.

1288/ Flattened out, the rat cortex would be the size of a postage stamp, that of the chimp would be the size of a piece of standard typing paper, while the human brain would be four times greater still!

1289/ The first recorded Olympic Games were held in 776 BC and were a purely local affair that lasted only one day. By 650 BC the games had grown much larger. Citizens of many cities came to compete, including some from Italy and Asia. In 393 AD, the Roman emperor Theodosius I, a Christian, abolished the Games because of their pagan influences. The very first modern Olympic Games opened in the first week of April 1896.

1290/ The GPS (Global Positioning System) is a constellation of twenty-four satellites (Plus two spares - making twenty six in total), in twelve-hour orbits at an altitude of 12,543 miles. Each satellite carries an atomic clock for precise determination of time, while ground-based tracking permits each one to know its position with similar accuracy. It was initially a US military project; but President Ronald Reagan ordered the GPS signals to be made available internationally. The complete GPS system became fully operational in March 1994. Also there is no longer any encryption encoded error built into the system (as there was originally), as it was taken out under President Clinton's orders during the late 1990's.

1291/ When growing at the maximum weight at around thirty-two to thirty-four weeks of pregnancy, normal human babies are increasing their weight by nearly 250 grams (over half a pound) a week.

1292/ Premature birth occurs in about 10 percent of all pregnancies, but is the cause of 75 percent of infant deaths that occur during labour or in the first month of life.

1293/ Volcanic activity since 1700 A.D. has killed more than 260,000 people.

1294/ The total number of planets detected around stars outside our solar system has now topped 100, with more being discovered all the time.

1295/ Cirrus clouds are high, cold clouds composed of ice crystals. In the tropics, cirrus clouds form at altitudes of about 30,000 to 60,000 feet (9-18 km).

1296/ Charles Darwin came tenth (out of 178 people) in his Divinity BA Degree in 1831.

1297/ The word 'muppets' was invented by Jim Henson by combining the words marionettes and puppets.

1298/ 50 percent or more of individuals in Western society are overweight.

1299/ The now extinct woolly mammoth of Northern Europe and Russia have been found in ever increasing numbers deep frozen in remarkable condition. Some of these bodies flesh, many of which have lain undesturbed for tens of thousands of years, are still said to be edible!

1300/ Whereas English books are written in words of variable length using twenty six letters, genomes are written entirely in three-letter words using only four letters: A, C, G and T (which stand for adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine). And instead of being written on flat pages, they are written on long chains of sugar and phosphate called DNA molecules.

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