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Fact File

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1841/ The roaring lion in the MGM logo was named Volney and lived at the Memphis Zoo.

1842/ The sensors on the feet of a red admiral butterfly are 200 times more sensitive to sugar than the human tongue.

1843/ Orkney was first written about by the Greek explorer Pytheas who circumnavigated the islands in 224BC and claimed to have seen the edge of the world, "Ultima Thule" (which was probably Foula in Shetland).

1844/ The shortest scheduled air route in the world is between Westray (population 700) and Papa Westray (population 85), two of the Orkney islands. The flight time 1.5 minutes!

1845/ Of the first 1000 numbers . 168 of them are prime numbers ie a number that can be divided, without a remainder, only by itself and by 1. (Find a list of the first 10,000 primes here)

1846/ The coolest stars are red. Their surface temperature is less than 5,500°F. This compares to blue stars which are the hottest stars, with a surface temperature of more than 37,000°F

1847/ A nautical mile is equivalent to 1.1515 miles on land. A knot is the measure of speed on water. One knot is 1 nautical mile per hour.

1848/ Tomato juice is the official state beverage of Ohio.

1849/ When duck eggs are boiled, the white turns bluish and the yolk turns a reddish orange.

1850/ World shrimp production is over 5 billion pounds a year, about 20 % of which is farmed.

1851/ The vanilla bean is the fruit of a tropical American species of orchid. It is the only orchid which produces anything edible and there are more than 20,000 orchid varieties.

1852/ The 6th century B.C. philosopher Pythagoras condemned the fava bean and would not let his followers eat it. It was thought that they contained the souls of the dead.

1853/ According to The Great Food Almanac by Irena Chalmers, the last food that Elvis Presley ate was four scoops of ice cream and 6 chocolate chip cookies.

1854/ Lard is actually rendered and clarified hog fat. With one tablespoon containing 116 calories, 13 grams of fat and 12 mg of cholesterol.

1855/ Latvia has 100 women to every 85.3 men; Qatar has 197.8 men for every 100 women.

1856/ The fastest-moving large glacier is the Columbia Glacier, Alaska, US. It flows between Anchorage and Valdez at an average rate of 20 m per day.

1857/ The longest river in Italy is the River Po at 652km.

1858/ Tornadoes are most frequent in the Mississippi-Missouri valley of the central US, especially during the months March to June.

1859/ At Darts, a score of 26 is called 'bed and breakfast'. (More darts terminology here)

1860/ Edison tried to invent a gun-powder powered engine for a helicopter. Upon blowing up his lab he decided to stop work on that project.

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