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Fact File - taken from the book "Quest: The Essence of Humanity" by Charles Pasternak - Read an article here by Charles Pasternak

2121/ Molecules are all extremely small: molecules like water, oxygen or carbon dixide are less than a billionth of the size of the point of a needle; carbohydrates like glucose, and fats like cholesterol are 10 times larger; proteins and carbohydrates like starch are a 100 times larger, and DNA - the biggest molecule of living matter - is a million times larger (but still only visible with an electron microscope).

2122/ Living orgasnisms consist of nothing but molecules. There are some thousand million million million million (10 to the 27th power) molecules of water, a hundred thousand million million million (10 to the power 23) molecules of protein and ten thousand million million (10 to the 16th power) molecules of DNA in an adult human being.

2123/ Cells of plants and animals are of similar size (approximately one hundredth of a millimetre in diameter, just to small to see with the naked eye), irrespective of whether they are part of a daisy or a beetle, a giant sequoia or an elephant.

2124/ The number of cells in an organism depends on its size: an adult human being contains some hundred million million (10 to the power 14) cells.

2125/ Any one cells contains around ten million million (10 to the power 13) molecules of water, a thousand million (10 to the power 9) molecules of protein and about a hundred (10 to the power 2) molecules of DNA.

2126/ Atoms do not exist as discrete entities (except at very high temperartures). It is molecules and the reactions between them that make up the chemistry of life.

2127/ There are 20 different types of amino acid, and any one can be linked to another. The length of the chain is variable: some proteins are made up of relatively short chains, others consist of longer chains. Insulin is an example of the first type, haemoglobin of the second. So when a molecule is referred to as being a protein, that defines merely its composition: lots of amino acids linked together in a chain.

2128/ In the human body there are over 100,000 different types of protein, each with a specific function.

2129/ DNA consists of atoms of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus, linked together in even longer chainsthan proteins. again, the chain consists of smaller units, that in this case arecalled nucleotides. Just four types of nucleotide make up DNA: adenine nucleotide (called A for short), cytosine nucleotide (C), guanine nucleotide (G) and thymine nucleotide (T).

2130/ A molecule of DNA is millions of times longer than a protein.

2131/ The part of a molecule of DNA that codes for a single protein is called a gene, and there are more than 1000 genes arranged end to end, in each molecule of DNA.

2132/ We owe the concept of the gene to Gregor Mendel, a Moravian monk, quietly crossing different strains of sweet pea in a monastery garden at Brunn (now Brno in the Czech Republic). He carried out the first scientific experiment on cross-breeding, which man had been practicing for 10,000 years. He was searching for nothing less than the mechanism by which certain features are passed on from one generation to the next. What he found was that characteristics of the sweet pea plant, like tallness or shortness, presence or absence of colour in the blossoms, wrinkled or smooth appearance of its seeds are inherited independently of each other, in a predictable manner. From this he deduced that the characteristics are transmitted as separate elements. He called them genes.

2133/ It has been estimated that during the last 300 years the rate of extinction of birds and animals has increased some 5-50-fold over the 'natural' rate, which is roughly one species every 4 years. Put another way, the total lifetime of any one species is, on average, very approximately a million years. Within the last decades of the twentieth century, the extinction rate rose a further 20-fold. We are now losing roughly one species of animal or plant every day. One way or another, more than 99.9% of the species that have ever lived on this planet are extinct.

2134/ The temperature on Earth drops no more than 30 - 44 degrees centigrade at best come nightfall, which may be compared with a change of more than 1000 degrees centigrade between day and night on the surface of the moon.

2135/ The neocortex is part of the outer layer of the brain (the cortex) that is concerned with higher cerebral functions like intellect, memory and consciousness. In most mammals the neocortex accounts for 30-40% of total brain volume, but in primates it is higher: from 50% in prosimians (primitive monkeys) to 80% in humans.

2136/ The real name of the author we all know as 'George Eliot' is in fact Mary Ann Evans and 'George Sands' was Amandine-Aurore Lucille Dupin.

2137/ Over 15% of people throughout the world are illiterate, but the rate is much higherin certain areas. In rural Pakistan for example, 90% are illiterate, and there are villages not 100 miles from bustling Karachi where the illiteracy among 15 year girls is 99.7%.

2138/ More than 20% of adults in the UK are defined as functionally illiterate, which places the UK - together with Ireland - at the bottom of the literacy league within developed countries.

2139/ During World War II, the USA was carrying out research and development of anthrax spores and botalinum toxin for possible use against Germany. By 1944 it had installed 12 20,000-gallon fermentors at Vigo, Indiana, capable of producing more than a million 4lb anthrax bombs a month. Britain alone had ordered an initial shipment of 500,000 bombs. In the event, none was used.

2140/ Between 1750 anf 1850, when the Industrial Revolution was reaching its peak, the increase in the population of Western Europe began to overtake that of India and China: England's population grew three-fold (from 5.7 million to 16.5 million), whereas that of China did not quite double (from 215 million to 420 million).

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