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241/ A cockroach can live for nine days without its head.

242/ The biggest shark species has the smallest teeth. The 12 metre long whale shark has more than 4,000 teeth, each only 3mm long.

243/ The female lion is a much more efficient hunter than the male.

244/ We share 98.4% of our DNA with a chimp - and 70% with a slug.

245/ Men who ride a bike for ten hours a week are four times as likely to be impotent as non-bike riders say US scientists.

246/ If the neurons from a single brain were divided out equally among the US population, each American would get approximately 366 brain cells.

247/ The oldest known hominid skeleton from Ethiopia has been dated at 4.4 million years.

248/ The earliest human tools have been dated at 2.7 million years old.

249/ Human foetuses react to loud rock music by kicking.

250/ At just 12 weeks the human foetus can scowl and squint.

251/ By 24 weeks the human foetus can suck its thimb so hard that blisters are raised.

252/ At 23 weeks the human foetus experiences REM (Rapid Eye Movement).

253/ A newborn's skin is thinner than an adults.

254/ The lightest baby to survive weighed a mere 283 grams.

255/ More babies are born at night than in the day.

256/ The average weight of the male brain is 1.4 kilos: 1.25 for females.

257/ Twins have a higher than usual rate of left handedness.

258/ 65% of those suffering autism are left handed.

259/ One third of all adults experience difficulty distinguishing left from right.

260/ Apart from humans the only land animal that cries is the elephant.

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