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2981/ NASA commissioned a study to find out whether astronauts would be better off rowing or cycling in space. They found that rowing consistently burned 15 to 20 percent more calories than cycling.

2982/ Research has shown that the more TV you watch, the fatter you are likely to be. One study of more than 6,000 men found that those who viewed the tube more than 3 hours a day were twice as likely to be fat as those who viewed less than 1 hour.

2983/ The typical American man manages to find time to watch 3.5 hours of television a day.

2984/ Men. Do you have a beer gut? Let science tell you! One method is to measure your waist to hip ratio. Take a tape measure to your waist and then to your hips. Divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement. If the number you get is 0.85 or greater, your belly's too big. (Alternatively just crack open another brew. Look in the mirror and repeat - "You the man!". It won't help your waist, but it might make you feel better!)

2985/ Fatter people make less money. A study of business school graduates found that men who were 20 percent or more overweight made $4000 less a year then thinner alumni.

2986/ A Cornell University study found that married men were twice as likely to be obese as those who were single or divorced.

2987/ One study found that when men started an aerobic exercise program, they started having sex about 30 percent more often than they had before. (So buy him a treadmill ladies!)

2988/ Burn a gram of protein or carbohydrate, and you'll get about 4 calories of heat. Burn a gram of fat, and you'll get more than 9.

2989/ If you are an average-size guy (5 foot 9 and 172 pounds) who watches the average amount of television (3.5 hours) and does the average amount of exercise (not much) a day, you probably shouldn't be taking in more than 2,900 calories a day to maintain that average size.

2990/ If you were that average guy and ate just one more carrot a day it would give you an extra 31 calories a day. Multiply that carrot's calories by 365 days, and you would be taking in 11,315 extra calories a year, which, if your body stored them all as fat, it would make you more than 3 pounds heavier a year from now.

2991/ Eat a cheese pizza. It will take over 1 and a half hours of solid running, or 9 hours watching tv to burn it off.

2992/ When they renovated Yankee Stadium in the 1970s, seating capacity shrunk by 8,000 seats, says S Boyd Eaton, MD, associate professor of radiology and adjunct associate professor of anthropology at Emory University in Atlanta. Why? Because the original seats, installed when the stadium was built in 1922, were 19 inches wide. The new seats had to be 3 inches wider to accommodate Americans' bigger butts.

2993/ Cornell researchers analyzed studies of more than 350,000 men that linked weight and death. They found that those who had the lowest risk of death were those who had a body mass index of between 24 and 27. Which would put your healthy weight, if you were 6 foot 2, somewhere between 195 and 215 pounds.

2994/ Researchers at the Stannford University Sleep Disorders and Research Center found that fat truck drivers are more likely to suffer breathing problems when they sleep and so are more likely to zone out at the wheel and run you over. As a matter of fact, the researchers showed that fat truck drivers have more than twice as many accidents per mile as thin ones.

2995/ Richard Versalle, was a tenor with the New York Metropolitan Opera. On January 5th, 1996, Versalle, 63, was singing the role of Vitek in the opera The Makropulos Case. In the opening scene Varsalle had to climb a ten foot ladder. As he stood atop the ladder, he sang, "Too bad you can only live so long", then suddenly stopped and toppled backwards onto the stage. He was pronounced dead shortly after his arrival at St Luke's Roosevelt Hospital.

2996/ In one study 57 formerly obese people were asked whether they would rather be fat again or deaf. 100 percent of them said they would rather be deaf. And 90 percent of them said that they would rather lose a leg or be legally blind than fat again.

2997/ In one study of 83 seriously obese women who had gastric bypass surgery, the women reported that they had become more interested in sex, had sex more often, and enjoyed it more than they had before the operation.

2998/ By some estimates, roughly the same percentage of American dogs (somewhere between 25 and 45 percent) as American masters (33 percent) are overweight.

2999/ Approximately 22 percent of Americans, the truly hard-core, eat at convenience stores and fast-food restaurants an average of five or more times a week.

3000/ Men who consume a moderate (note that word - moderate) amount of alcohol on a regular basis are less liekly to suffer heart attacks and ischemic strokes (that is strokes caused by the blockage of a blood vessel) than men who don't drink. The reduction in risk varied in the studies in the range of 25 to 40 percent.

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