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3501/ Researchers have discovered that about 72 per cent of the 1000 genes linked with smell are so mutated they are defective in most people, which may account for our blunted sense of smell compared with our ancestors.

3502/ A 'Meanderthal' is an American coined term, obviously manufactured from 'meander' and 'neanderthal' for those annoying people who stick in the middle lane of the motorway at a constant speed of 60mph or who idle along the pavement in front of you at a speed that wouldn't leave a tortoise out of breath and yet are, in their state of blissful ignorance, incredibly hard to overtake or pass.

3503/ A mudpool in the town of Chilica, Peru, has been touched by aliens - at least, that's what the locals claim. Sick people from hundreds of miles around are now flocking to bathe in the 'healing' mud. A sign outside Chilica says it's "The Preferred Site for Interplanetary Beings'.

3504/ The world's biggest globe is 42 feet in diameter and has a scale of one inch to 16 miles. It stands in the headquarters of creator David DeLorne's map-making company in Maine. It is designed to represent the view of Earth from Space and took two years to build. It was based on hundreds of satellite images and maps.

3505/ The US has 2 million 'heavy' cocaine users.

3506/ 28 per cent of British men and 26 per cent of women smoke.

3507/ University of Glasgow scientists found that a cherry tomato contains six times as much quercetin (a powerful anti-oxidant, thought to protect against cancer, heart disease and the effects of aging) as a normal-sized tomato.

3508/ Once the world's fourth largest lake, the Aral Sea in what used to be Soviet Central Asia is an ecological disaster. It's now only 70 per cent of its original size, thanks to the diversion of its two source rivers in the 1950s for cotton field irigation. The former port of Muynak is now 30 miles inland and none of the 24 native species of fish survive.

3509/ If it were possible to travel at the speed of light, a journey to the sun would take approximately eight minutes and 32 seconds.

3510/ En-route to the Sun you would pass Venus in 2.3 minutes and Mercury in 5.1 minutes.

3511/ Aldous Huxley was the first British Editor of House and Garden Magazine.

3512/ Aldous Huxley's career as a scriptwriter virtually ended when Walt Disney rejected his script of 'Alice in Wonderland' because he 'could only understand every third word'. Huxley struck back with Ape and Essence (1948) which opens with an incredibly horrific depiction of LA after an atomic Third World War.

3513/ Age affects the amount of skin loss through major burns that our bodies can tolerate. Up to the age of 35, we can probably survive a loss of up to 75 per cent. In middle age that figure drops to 58 per cent, but in old age anything higher than 23 per cent means that death is likely to occur.

3514/ The gesture of raising a single middle finger is not an American invention. It was referred to in 423 BC in an early version of Aristophanes The Clouds. Socrates is discussing 'finger rhythm' with Strepsides when his companion gives him the finger. This scene was cut from the final version because it was 'obscene' although another play, where two actors beat each other with leather phalluses, was considered to be 'art'.

3515/ A very common wound in rodeo riding is 'rodeo thum', which occurs when the yhumb gets caught between the saddle and the lasso rope. When the rope is pulled taut the thumb is crushed and sometimes torn off.

3516/ A study at Leicester University found that callers are more likely to stay on hold if an automatic switchboard plays pan pipe music than if it played Beatles songs or a voice message.

3517/ Garlic attracts leeches even though quite small doses can prove to be fatal.

3518/ The world's worst terrorist has to be Iraq's Khay Rahjanet who in 1999 didn't pay enough postage on a letter bomb. When it came back with 'Return to Sender' stamped on it, Rahjanet opened it and got blown to bits.

3519/ When a pickle is plugged into an electric current it turns yellow and gives off a horrendous smell.

3520/ Mariah Carey's Reaction to the death of King Hussein of Jordan - "I'm inconsolable. I was a very good friend of Jordan, he was the greatest basketball player this country's ever seen or will see again."

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