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Special Cats and Dogs Fact File Trivia

3601/ At the end of the Beatles' song "A Day in the Life", an ultrasonic whistle, audible only to dogs, was recorded by Paul McCartney for his Shetland sheepdog.

3602/ Every year in the United States, $1.5 billion is spent on pet food. This is four times the amount spent on baby food.

3603/ Lassie was played by several male dogs, despite the female name, because male collies were thought to look better on camera. The main "actor" was named Pal.

3604/ Seventy percent of people sign their pet's name on greeting cards and 58 percent include their pets in family and holiday portraits, according to a survey done by the American Animal Hospital Association.

3605/ Some 39 percent of pet owners say they have more photos of their pet than of their spouse or significant other. Only 21 percent say they have more photos of their spouse or significant other than of their pet.

3606/ The calories burned daily by the sled dogs running in Alaska's annual Iditarod race average 10,000. The 1,149-mile race commemorates the 1925 "Race for Life" when 20 volunteer mushers relayed medicine from Anchorage to Nome to battle a children's diphtheria epidemic.

3607/ The last member of the famous Bonaparte family, Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte, died in 1945, of injuries sustained from tripping over his dog's leash.

3608/ There are more than 100 million dogs and cats in the United States. Americans spend more than 5.4 billion dollars on their pets each year.

3609/ Using their swiveling ears like radar dishes, experiments have shown that dogs can locate the source of a sound in 6/100ths of a second.

3610/ A cat will never break a sweat because it has no sweat glands.

3611/ A cat uses its whiskers to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through. The whiskers act as feelers or antennae, helping the animal to judge the precise width of any passage.

3612/ Adult cats with no health problems are in deep sleep 15 percent of their lives. They are in light sleep 50 percent of the time.

3613/ At night a cat can gather into the extra-large corneas and lenses of its eyes more than six times the amount of light than humans can. Seeing far better than humans do at night time and tending to focus best at a distance of eight to twenty feet makes cats excellent night time hunters.

3614/ Cardinal Richelieu was so fond of cats that he shared his home with 14 of them. Specially appointed attendants cared for them, and upon his death, the Cardinal left all his worldly wealth to his feline companions.

3615/ Cats are attracted to automobile antifreeze because of its sweet taste.

3616/ Cats are the only domestic animals that walk directly on their claws, not on their paws. This method of walking is called "digitigrade." When cats scratch furniture, it isn't an act of malice. They are actually tearing off the ragged edges of the sheaths of their talons to expose the new sharp ones beneath.

3617/ Cats have about 100 different vocalization sounds. In comparison, dogs have about 10.

3618/ Cats purr at about 26 cycles per second, the same frequency as an idling diesel engine.

3619/ Orange and lemon rinds are offensive to cats. A light rubbing of orange peel on furniture will discourage your cat from using it as a scratching post.

3620/ The Persian cat has the longest and thickest fur of all domestic cats. The topcoat may be up to 5 inches long.

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