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3941/ There were 52 countries involved in World War II

3942/ There is a 'cemetery town' in California called Colma. Its ratio of dead to living people is 750 to 1.

3943/ The most common pear world-wide is the Bartlett. It is bell-shaped, sweet and soft with a light green colour.

3944/ Beethoven's Fifth was the first symphony to include trombones.

3945/ The Kodiak Grizzly Bear is the world's largest meat-eating animal living on land. The Kodiak can weigh up to 500 pounds more than any other kind of bear.

3946/ Snakes do not have eyelids, so even when they're asleep they cannot close their eyes. They do have a protective layer of clear scales, called brille, over their eyes.

3947/ The electric eel is the most shocking animal on Earth - no other animal packs such a big charge. If attacking a large prey, a nine-foot long eel can discharge about 800 volts. One zap could stun a human. The larger the eel, the bigger the charge.

3948/ Almonds are a member of the peach family.

3949/ A can of Diet Coke will float in water while a can of regular Coke sinks.

3950/ The dodo, extinct less than 100 years after being discovered by the Dutch in 1598, was not a prolific species. The female laid just one egg a year.

3951/ The hippopotamus has skin an inch-and-a-half thick; it's so solid that most bullets cannot penetrate it.

3952/ A forfeited games in baseball is recorded as as 9-0 score. In American Football it is recorded as a 1-0 score.

3953/ Kite Flying is a professional sport in Thailand.

3954/ The Hirudo leech has three jaws with 100 teeth on each jaw - making 300 teeth in all.

3955/ Lanolin, an essential ingredient of many expensive cosmetics, is, in its native form, a foul-smelling, waxy, tarlike substance extracted from the fleece of sheep.

3956/ The male gypsy moth can smell the virgin female gypsy moth from eight miles away.

3957/ The longest recorded life span of a camel was 35 years, five months.

3958/ A species of Australian dragonfly has been clocked at 36mph.

3959/ The Angel Falls in Venezuela are nearly 20 times taller than Niagra Falls.

3960/ The male fox will mate for life and, if the female dies, he remains single for the rest of his life. However, if the male dies, the female will hook up with a new mate.

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