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4121/ Turtles, tortoises and terrapins do not have teeth. They have hard, horny jaws that are able to cut and tear food.

4122/ The voice of Tony the Tiger is Thurl Ravenscroft.

4123/ In Ivrea, Italy, thousands of citizens celebrate the beginning of Lent by throwing oranges at one another.

4124/ Pineapples do not ripen until after they have been picked.

4125/ Walking catfish of Florida can stay out of water for 80 days.

4126/ Using its web - the skin between its arms - an octopus can carry up to a dozen crabs back to its den.

4127/ There are more species of fish than mammals, reptiles and birds combined.

4128/ Bats can eat from one-half to three quarters their weight per evening.

4129/ The Everglades Kite Bird, in Florida, will only eat apple snails. The kites are becoming rare because as the Everglades dry up, the apple snails are dying out.

4130/ It takes 24 hours for a tiny newborn swan to peck its way out of its shell.

4131/ Dinosaurs lived on Earth for around 165 million years before they became extinct.

4132/ Disc-winged bats of Latin America have adhesive discs on both wings and feet that enables them to live in unfurling banana leaves (or even walk up a window pane)

4133/ The American opossum, a marsupial, bears its young just 12 to 13 days after conception.

4134/ When angered, the Tazmanian devil turns pinkish red.

4135/ There is no record of a non-rabid wolf attack on a human.

4136/ The zorilla is the smelliest animal on the planet. Its anal glands can be smelled from a half mile away.

4137/ Between 1902 and 1907 the same Tiger killed 436 people in India.

4138/ Caterpillars have about 4,000 muscles. Humans, by comparison, have only about 600.

4139/ Certain fireflies emit a light so penetrating that it can pass through flesh and wood.

4140/ When cornered, the horned toad shoots blood from its eyes.

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