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4281/ The publication of the first volume of the Viennese geologist Eduard Suess's five volume treatise Das Antilz der Erde ('The Face of the Earth', 1885-1909) marked a new way of looking at the formation of mountains. He proposed that there had once been a supercontinent in the southern hemisphere, now broken up into todays continents.

4282/ The shape of the Earth's orbit stretches from circular to more eliptical and back again, with a periodicity of about 100,000 years.

4283/ The average distance from the Earth to the Sun is 150 million milometres. However, for the most elliptical orbit the distance varies between limits of 140 million and 160 million kilometres every year.

4284/ The pole position of the Earth makes a complete loop every 26,000 years.

4285/ The angle between Earth's equatorial and orbital planes varies by a few degrees every 40,000 years.

4286/ Around 70 per cent of the Sun is hydrogen.

4287/ It wasn't until 1893 that the Italian zoologist Giovanni Batista Grassi identified the leptocephalus - a tiny leaf shaped transparent fish as the oceanic larval stage of the eel.

4288/ Commercial production of nylon started in 1939.

4289/ Production of nylon for stockkings was short-lived at first. Because during the second world war all nylon production was commandeered for making parachutes.

4290/ Karl von Frish's great discovery was the dance language of of honeybees. Bees communicate the direction of, distance to and quality of food supplies. They do so by a special 'waggle dance', which von Frisch decoded by careful observation and experiments in which he varied the location of a food source.

4291/ The insecticide DDT was discovered in 1939 by the Swiss chemist Paul Muller while working for the J.R Geigy company.

4292/ Echolocation is not universal in bats: with a few exceptions only those of the insect-eating order Michrochiroptera have a well-developed system.

4293/ In 1940 it was not even known that bacteria had genes.

4294/ Karl von Frisch investigated the sense of smell and taste in honeybees, and in 1949 proved they can navigate using the Sun as a reference point even when it is obscured by cloud, thanks to their use of the pattern of light polarization in the sky.

4295/ It has been known since the work of Jan Ingenhousz in 1779 that sunlit green plants absorb carbon dioxide.

4296/ The first working transistor was demonstrated on Christmas Eve 1947. It was built by William Shockley, Walter Brattain and John Bardeen.

4297/ The physicist Richard Feynman once said that the theory of quantum electrodynamics matched experiment as closely as if one predicted the distance from New York to Los Angeles and was off by the thickness of a human hair.

4298/ In 1948, Claude Shannon published his mathematical theory of communication, which we now call information theory.

4299/ The real breakthrough in combatting transplant rejection came in 1970 with the introduction of the powerful immunosuppressor cyclosporine.

4300/ In May 1960 the US food and Drug administration licensed norethynodrel as an oral contraceptive under the name of Enovid. By 1965 the sexual revolution was well underway, and more than 6.5 million American women were 'on the pill'.

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