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441/ One cubic centimetre of blood contains as many as 512 billion red cells and 11 million white cells.

442/ Lobsters can live up to 50 years.

443/ Dogs only see shades of grey and most of them are short-sighted.

444/ Human eyes can distinguish 250 different pure colours, 17,000 mixed colours and 300 shades of grey.

445/ The poison of the arrow-poison frog of South America is so powerful that one millionth of a gram is enough to kill a human.

446/ The human body gives out about 100 calories of heat an hour - equivalent to a 120 watt electric light bulb.

447/ Babies are born with about 350 bones - an adult ends up with just 206 bones.

448/ A giant squid can grow up to 12 metres long and weigh 500kg.

449/ In some species of termites the Queen can grow up to 20,000 times the size of a worker termite. And she can lay up to 30,000 eggs a day.

450/ The magnitude 7.4 earthquake which struck Ismit, Turkey on August 17th 1999 is known to have killed at least 15,000 people.

451/ The first designs for flying machines, submarines and even diving suits were first drawn by Leonardo Da Vinci in the 15th century.

452/ One in four animals on our planet is a beetle!

453/ Thrust SSc was the first car to break through the sound barrier travelling at 763 mph on 15th October 1997 at Black Rock Desert, Nevada.

454/ If an Atomic clock was set 100 million years ago, today it would be less than 100 seconds adrift.

455/ Adult fleas can live for up to 2 years during which time the female can lay up to 1200 eggs.

456/ The 747 has carried 1.6 billion people 20 billion miles - the equivalent of flying the entire population of LA and NYC to the Moon and back.

457/ The kilauea volcano on the Island of Hawaii has produced 1.5 cubic kilometres of lava in 16 years.

458/ The Mariana Trench in the West Pacific is so deep it could submerge Mount Everest and still be over a mile deep.

459/ The highest temperature ever recorded on Earth was 136 degrees F in El Azizia, Libya in 1922.

460/ The Black Box flight recorder was first invented in 1958 at the Aeronautical Research Laboratories, melbourne, Australia. It is coloured orange.

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