481/ Io, one of Jupiter's
moons, is the most volcanically active place in the Solar
482/ The first barcode, invented
by IBM, appeared on a packet of Wrigley's chewing gum in 1974
in a supermarket in Troy, Ohio.
483/ Household detergent was
first created by Henkel Dusseldorf in 1907. Based on dry soap
powder, it was called Persil.
484/ The Walkman was launched
in Japan by Sony in 1979.
485/ Traffic lights with red
and green gas lights were first introduced in London in 1868.
Unfortunately, they exploded and killed a policeman. The first
successful system was installed in Cleveland, Ohio in 1914.
486/ Ticks are second only
to the mosquito as the most dangerous parasites to humans.
487/ 3 billion of the world's
6 billion population are under the age of 25.
488/ Infant mortality in 1900
was 142 in 1000 births. By 2000 it had reduced to just 6 in
every 1000.
489/ In 1900 there were 50,000
motorised vehicles worldwide. In 2000 there were more than
650 million.
490/ Whether you believe in
Global Warming or not the last two decades have included the
hottest 12 years on record.
491/ 200 acres od rainforest
are destroyed every single day.
492/ Al Capone's business
card said he was a used furniture dealer.
493/ A dragonfly has a lifespan
of 24 hours.
494/ It is impossible to sneeze
with your eyes open.
495/ The Giant Squid has the
largest eyes in the world.
496/ The microwave was invented
after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a choclate bar
melted in his pocket.
497/ There are 336 dimples
on a regulation golf ball.
498/ 'Stewardesses' is the
longest word that is typed with only the left hand.
499/ The Hawaiian alphabet
has only 12 letters.
500/ Each King in a deck of
playing cards represents a great king from history. Spades
- King David, Clubs - Alexander the Great, Hearts - Charlemagne,
and Diamonds - Julius Caesar.
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